Dear Parishioner, I am proud to announce that over 110 of our parishioners participated in our Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeals efforts this past year, resulting in our parish almost to surpass our goal. Each year, the success of the Appeal at our parish is proof that you, and other parishioners, are united by faith and committed to living out God’s call to help our brothers and sisters in need. On March 6-7 2021, I will be hosting a Commitment Weekend for the Cardinal’s Appeal to thank those parishioners who have contributed to date, as well as encourage those who have yet to respond. If your circumstances permit, I encourage you to participate in this year’s Appeal. Please prayerfully consider your bringing your gift to mass next weekend. If you will follow the online to make our gift online prior to the date at or mail the pledge card you can do so. Thank you for all that you do for our parish and for your support of the Appeal. Your sacrifice is much needed and greatly appreciated. God bless you.